Join Guest Posting
Please read the rules before submitting your application –
- Your post must be valuable for readers.
- Should be Grammatically Correct.
- Readability should be good.
- The post must be unique not copied content. Your submission will be check for copyright.
- Minimum words should be between 500-700 and a maximum of 5000 words.
- Post Title should be user-friendly including keywords.
- Use H3, H4, H5, H6 in the correct way.
- Make sure You’re not using the H1 tag in the content area.
- Must Include image(s) URL just above the content for feature image and other purposes.
- The image should be 1200x675PX.
- Keyword must be found at least one time in the 1st paragraph.
- Keyword must be used in Subheading (H2) at least one time.
- Must include the source URL, if there’s any.
What do we allow?
- you can use one affiliate link in the post. But make sure your affiliate link is tagged with a word.
- You are always allowed to tag your website related post link in the post, tag with a word or a sentence only.
- If you’ve Youtube channel you can embed only one related video in a post.
What don’t we allow?
- No, any self-promotion link (FB, FB page, Youtube, Instagram, and any other).
- Don’t use your affiliate link as a recommended product.
- Don’t use your website link as “for more” visit think link.
- Don’t include more than 2 external links in the post.
If you agree, fill the below form and submit.
Note:- Currently, we are not receiving any request from this page due to some technical issue, so don’t waste your time filling the below form. Send your interest on the email address – Don’t forget to include your Name, Email, Interested Topic, your message with your social profile link, and website URL in any.
You’ll get the response within 24-48hrs.