Best YouTube Monetization Course Bye 9 To 5 Automation Program

Best YouTube Monetization Course Bye 9 To 5 Automation Program: If you asked 10 people what the biggest search engine online is, probably 9 of them would say “Google.” And they would be wrong. Actually, the biggest search engine online is YouTube. In 2011 YouTube had over a TRILLION views! That’s 145 views for every man, woman, and child on the planet. Over four billion YouTube videos are viewed every day. Over one hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second! If you are not exploiting YouTube to build a list or to make money you are missing out on a tremendously useful tool. Here are some tips on how to get started.

Monetizing YouTube – Making Money Uploading Videos

  • Creating content: The tool

All you need is a video recorder. Most cell phones have a camera that produces quality video and reasonable audio. That would be fine for starters. I have seen good quality stand-alone HD video cameras on sale recently for under $100. That’s a pretty low entry hurdle and I highly recommend creating video in HD if you can afford it. With nothing but a video recorder, you can shoot and immediately upload raw video and create a profitable situation.

On a side note, as I outlined here, if you keep your camera with you 24/7, you just might come upon a newsworthy event (fire, accident, natural disaster, etc.) that you can capture and quickly sell to local news outlets. If you do, DO NOT upload it to YouTube until you have exhausted any opportunity to sell it exclusively to a local buyer.

There is a possibility that an event you uploaded gets discovered by the world and the next thing you know, it’s viral. This has happened to people who post something interesting, cute or funny (especially things involving babies or pets or both!) and their video suddenly explodes and gets millions of views. There are some YouTube channels with less than 10 videos that have over 40,000,000 views. Numbers like that will open doors to affiliate partnerships and advertising offers that can create a significant ongoing income. Granted, it’s about the same as hitting the lottery but it certainly has happened.

  • Strength in numbers:

Another method that can be used with nothing but a video recorder and time is simply the consistent uploading of short (1 – 10 minute) clips about anything and everything. It can be a short video of high-rise window washers; a jet landing; a quick interview with a veteran; someone creating a dish in the kitchen; anything. There need not be a theme or any connection between your videos. If you make a hobby of it and uploaded say, 6 videos a day, in a year you would have 2190 videos on your channel.

Each video will have keywords attached to it, so anyone who searches for that keyword just might find that video. If each video at the end of the year averaged even 5 views a day, your channel will score almost 11,000 daily views! Those numbers will attract sponsors and affiliate offers and potentially an offer from YouTube to become a partner. With almost 330,000 monthly views, YouTube partner income can potentially reach $990 per month.

  • Additional Tools:

It’s easy to go beyond the raw video upload and provide content that is professional and polished. Take your raw video and put it on your computer and you can edit it with free video editing applications that are easily found online. If you have a Windows machine, Windows Movie Maker is already there for you.

The audio track can be edited and even enhanced and overdubbed using free audio processing software such as Audacity. These tools would be used if you were looking to build a niche YouTube channel. Many experts in a field build a long-term following by creating an ongoing series of informative or entertaining videos that address a popular subject, teach a skill, or provide entertainment. This is not an overnight income thing but is the most likely way someone can eventually build a significant income through advertising and affiliate partnerships.

  • Part of a sales funnel:

Finally, YouTube is a great source to direct traffic to a sales page on the web. You may not be interested in monetizing the video itself. You may just use it to entice traffic to click your link and move to your sales “squeeze page”. Many affiliate marketers do this because they know their video has more likelihood of appearing on the front page of a Google search for their keywords than their actual page does.

The content of the video can simply be information about the offer or it can actually show a related method or technique (how to install a WordPress blog for example) You can mention your web page URL in the video and overlay it on the screen using Movie Maker. You can even create a slide show in PowerPoint and easily convert it to video.

You may not get lots of traffic from one video, but again we’re talking numbers. You can consistently upload hundreds of short videos to your channel every year; each one keyed to specific keywords in your niche. Once they are there, they will work for you 24/7 forever. They are an effective free source for traffic to your pages and affiliate links and can become a powerful way to grow your income and your online business!

Monetizing YouTube - Making Money Uploading Videos
YouTube Monetization

YouTube Video Optimization Tips to Achieve Top Search Engine Rankings

YouTube has become a dominant force on the web. According to ComScore, in March of 2008 over 11.5 billion videos were watched by 139 million Unites States viewers. YouTube has become one of the top viewed websites in quite a short time. Google’s purchase of YouTube shows us how valuable of a tool YouTube is and the potential it has. YouTube videos are starting to show up on Google’s natural search engine results, surpassing the top spots. A YouTube video properly optimized can outrank sites such as Amazon and eBay. This is an internet marketer’s dream tool and it is so simple to use. This is why you must properly optimize your YouTube videos.

A good starting point for YouTube optimization is to make videos that are short, sweet, and straight to the point. People want instant gratification, not wanting to sit around watching a 30-minute video on how to use a cell phone headset. Videos should be kept to a few minutes to reduce production time, upload time, and download times. Have a script prepared so you do not mutter or stumble upon your words. Film the video in the highest quality format you can. Crisp, clean videos will receive more attention than grainy, hard-to-see videos. Do not make videos private and always allow for comments. This user interaction can help increase video views and move you up the YouTube video rankings. Using Annotations, text boxes in your video can help deliver your message or promote your website or company. Make sure not to overuse annotations as they can become annoying and distracting from your video’s main purpose.

Since the search engine spiders cannot read or comprehend videos you must use the text fields to optimize your videos appropriately. This means doing keyword research and making sure your keywords appear in the title, description, and tags of your video are imperative to a successful YouTube marketing campaign. Maximize the amount of text you can have in these fields. More text means a better chance of someone finding and clicking into your video. Make sure you use original titles and descriptions otherwise your video will get lost in the millions of videos with similar names. Original content is what YouTube wants to see. The more originality you add the better off you will be. You also want to have a user name with your brand or website name so it is easily remembered.

You have to put everything into perspective to increase views, as the average video only receives one hundred views annually. According to YouTube guidelines, there are many factors that influence rankings and can help optimize your videos. These include the video title, the description, tags, incoming links, comments, subscribers, ratings, playlist additions, flagging, embeds, shares, age of video, channel views, subscribers, views, and the number and quality of sites that host or point to your video. You want to interact on YouTube by watching other videos, commenting, subscribing, creating channels, and making friends. Interaction helps with viral marketing, where one person tells another person about the video. This person tells five others and so on. Doing this will increase your video network and views. All these factors into ranking high for YouTube optimization.

If your video appears on an outside website you want to make sure that it is relevant and appropriate for your video. Each time your video is viewed from an outside source it still counts as a view, so keep posting your videos on blogs and other sites. Basically, you need links from outside pages leading to your YouTube videos. You want the links to have a strong anchor text, meaning that the link leading to the video contains keywords related to your video.

To increase your video views, subscriptions, and favorites you can send out an email blast, place your video on your website and other websites, engage in the community, build a following, connect with other members, provide valuable content, participate in social networking sites. Basically, Web 2.0 created a heaven place for video sharing. Your ultimate goal should be to reach YouTube’s homepage under Spotlight, Most Viewed, Most Discussed, and Top Favorite Videos.

You can submit your video to the major video sites at once using programs such as Tube Mogul and Traffic Geyser. These software programs submit your video to all the major video-sharing sites for you, saving time and energy. Simply enter the title, description, and tags for your video and it will appear on all the major video sharing sites. They offer analytics and tracking for your videos in one place making it easy to analyze and tweak your videos.

The best analytics would have to be the one given to you for free, YouTube Insight. This will give you all the stats and detailed information you could ever ask for. With Insight, you can see how many pages views you have, how popular it is, where people found your video, what country people watching your video are from, what sections of your video are most watched and least-watched, and so much more. This statistical data should help optimize your current video and plan for future videos. There are many articles written about YouTube Insight and how to take advantage of it. I suggest reading up on these.

There is a program called Bye 9 To 5, which is a proven system to start and succeed on YouTube without being a YouTuber, spending money, or working long hours.

Monetizing your YouTube videos is quite easy. You can easily set up your Adsense account in accordance with YouTube so you can start receiving money every time an ad is clicked next to your video. The main source of income from YouTube comes from the fact that you can show product reviews and sell features that could not be described in words. Electronic gadgets are a perfect match for YouTube video reviews.

YouTube Monetization

How to Make Money On YouTube – Secret Monetizing Strategy

There are a whole lot of people who post videos on YouTube everyday day in and day out. Unfortunately, only a tiny handful of those people actually realize that it’s possible for them to monetize the videos that they are putting on YouTube.

There’s a multitude of different ways that you can hop on YouTube and let it make money for you. A large majority of the people who make money from YouTube are primarily and some form of home-based business in most cases.

However, there are always different means of monetizing YouTube. You can promote your home-based business inside your videos, affiliate marketing products, or possibly even sell your own tangible products.

There’s still one additional way to make money from YouTube that most people don’t know about, and that is the purpose of this article today.

Best YouTube Monetization Course Bye 9 To 5 Automation Program

The YouTube Monetization Program

Once you become a partner of the monetization program through YouTube it actually allows you to insert advertisements within your videos. Anytime one of your advertisements is viewed or clicked on inside of the video then you are going to be paid for each click and/or viewing.

The rules to qualify for the program are fairly modest as long as you’re not promoting any type of vulgarity or hate in your videos and are 18 years old you’ll be accepted. Some of you reading this may already have hundreds of existing YouTube videos that you can go into your channel settings and add the monetization feature to right this minute.

For those of you who are interested in getting started on YouTube now, you have an actual method that you can make money online without the necessity of joining a home-based business or even needing any advertising dollars or capital.

YouTube Monetization

What Are the Best Type of Videos to Monetize? YouTube Monetization

Me personally, with the type of personality that I have I really enjoy comedy and laughter and things of that nature. So obviously what I would do is post as many funny videos as I possibly could. Comical videos tend to go viral a lot faster than most other types of videos.

Of course second to comical videos will be tragic or dramatic types of videos. You know this to be true simply from watching the evening news on a daily basis. The next thing I want to cover is what should you be doing with your videos after you’ve added the monetization feature.

How to Get More Viewers so You Can Make More Money: YouTube Monetization

There is actually a multitude of ways that you can get more people looking at your YouTube videos and I’ll cover a couple here today but I won’t go into extreme depth because there are simply just too many. The first way you can begin to get tons of viewers looking at your videos is to put them on Facebook.

When it comes to the internet your goal is to go where the eyeballs are. At the current time, the most popular websites on the entire internet are Google, Facebook, and YouTube. So clearly those are the three locations that you want to drive traffic from.

On Facebook, there are multiple ways that you can actually drive traffic and viewers to your new videos. Here’s just a couple of methods that you could use:

  1. On your Facebook wall
  2. In Facebook groups
  3. Facebook fan pages
  4. Instant Messaging
  5. Facebook pay per click
  6. Tagging other people in your posts

Just that handful of methods alone is plenty enough to get hundreds of visitors every time you add a new video to your Facebook wall or in Facebook groups.

Of course, another factor in the results that you get from utilizing social media is the number of followers/friends that you have on your profile. When it comes to social media you definitely want to be taking advantage of “The Big Five”. The big five consists of sites like:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Pinterest
  4. Instagram
  5. Google+

Those are the big five social media sites that will get you tons of traffic to your new videos. Of course, the more traffic that you get to your videos the more people will click on your advertisements that show within your videos – ultimately leading to more dollars in your pocket.

If you follow the steps mentioned here in this article and go out and produce tons of videos you will start to see some income from the YouTube monetization program. Just be sure not to make it difficult on yourself because your videos can be about literally anything.

So simply whip out your camera phone and find something that you like to talk about and record yourself with your camera phone. It really could be that simple. Just one last tip, whatever that you have the most interest incomes to you most naturally.

So whatever comes to you easiest is going to be the thing that you can do the most of. The more you do the more you will make. Now you know how to make money on YouTube, so get out there and start making tons of videos and at the monetization feature!

YouTube Monetization

How To Generate Passive Income From A YouTube Video Channel?

Almost everyone has uploaded videos on social video-sharing websites like,, or Some of these videos are entirely personal and non-profit, but most of them were uploaded with a clear motive – making money. Yes, one can make money from a popular YouTube video owned by him. As he’s already generating traffic, he just needs to monetize the traffic and make money from the conversions. The concept is fairly simple; you just need to put things together and make things work properly. Lots of internet marketing blogs and forums can help you learn how to generate easy passive income from a YouTube video channel; this article has curated the most important stuff and summed it up for you. Keep reading to learn more about making money online from YouTube videos. It’s dead simple; you just need to stay focused and put your efforts into this to make money!

How To Generate Passive Income From A YouTube Video Channel? The basic things you must learn about YouTube Monetization:

YouTube is one of the most populated websites on earth. Every day millions of people hop onto YouTube. Some of them are interested to learn something, some of them are there for entertainment purposes and a lot of them were actually searching for something and hopped onto YouTube as the final resort. And here comes the opportunity, you can get them the solution, they have been looking for. The concept is simple, easy but highly effective. All you need is a proper strategy to start this!

  1. Get some subscribers and visitors

First, you will need to get some subscribers and some visitors to your channel and videos. As you’re intending to make money from the videos, make sure the appearance of your channel is professional yet with a warm, friendly feeling. Don’t be too promotional; otherwise, you won’t be able to get decent traffic or subscribers. Once you have started getting some visitors, get them high-quality, resourceful videos regularly and you will get a better response. You can also think about advertising and purchasing visitors to your channel to get a quick turnover!

  1. Drive traffic to the videos individually

When you are actually working to develop a channel that is going to make you money, you should be focused on the videos individually. This will keep your promotional activity under the radar and help you make money consistently without getting yourself flagged. Make sure that the videos are individually popular. Once you have started driving a decent amount of traffic to the videos, you should move on and brand your channel to make it look legit! Once again, you should make things look professional yet warm and friendly!

  1. Monetize the way it should be! (YouTube Monetization)

Finally, it’s time to put some monetization strategy. You should not focus on monetizing while you’re branding. You should take these two things carefully, seriously, and individually. Once you have started getting responses from your visitors, subscribers, and everyone else, it’s time to monetize but in a sober, consistent, and non-aggressive way!

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