Go Viral On YouTube Growth Module: Anyone passionate about video creating and producing unique content can make money with YouTube. To do this, you do not need to have a hit soundtrack like Justin Bieber or Psy of Gangnam Style fame. So, simply use YouTube Growth Module for your YouTube channel. There are many other ways to make money with YouTube. Although it is quite possible to make profits in this way, you must realize that it is not a ‘get rich quick scheme’. It takes patience and diligent effort to start making the income that you desire. This is a business opportunity for those who are passionate about making videos and are willing to work hard over a long period. In this article, I will discuss the steps you can take to increase your profits on YouTube by using YouTube Growth Module for your YouTube channel.
- The Best YouTube Course and Community on The Market: YouTube Growth Module
- 6 Ways to Make Money with YouTube
- Tube Mastery and Monetization YouTube Growth Module
- Synthesis Features
- A Killer YouTube Strategy: YouTube Growth Module
- What Are The Implications For Your Business Now?
- Tube Mastery and Monetization For YouTube Channel Growth
- Understanding YouTube Analytics and Its Basics: YouTube Growth Module
- YouTube SEO – This Is Exactly How You Make Your YouTube Video Rise to the Top!
- Matt Youtube Mastery And Monetization Course
The Best YouTube Course and Community on The Market: YouTube Growth Module
The Best YouTube Course and Community on The Market. YouTube Growth Module.
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6 Ways to Make Money with YouTube
- Create a YouTube Account
Creating a YouTube account is very simple. All you need is a Gmail account. If you already have a Gmail account then you are set to start but I will advise that you create a new Gmail account just for your YouTube account. Getting a YouTube account is the first step to generating income in this niche.
- Create Quality and Exceptional Content
The buzz statement for success on YouTube is, Content is King. The content you provide is the key to make money with YouTube. Before you start your YouTube Channel, you should know what content you are going to provide. Your content could be video tutorials, gadgets, sketches, talk shows, or even comedy.
- Be original
YouTube is very particular about copyright laws. Even if you are using a soundtrack that does not belong to you as a background sound, make sure you have the right to use it.
This is important because the only rule that makes you eligible to make profits with YouTube is, ownership of all necessary rights to all the materials used commercially, even if you are a third party.
- Work Patiently and Make Profits
Patience is required if you must make money with YouTube. YouTube pays you $2 per 1000 views, so to make more money, you need to have great and unique content that will attract large views. Before you become popular with the YouTube community, you need to have a lot of good videos.
Some people make phenomenal videos that catch on quickly but the majority have to work patiently and assiduously to make money with YouTube. The best thing about making money on YouTube is that when the money starts trickling in, it never stops.
- Link your YouTube Account
The purpose of making YouTube videos is to get them out to as many people as possible. To achieve that, you can link your YouTube account to your Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts. You can use the ever-growing social media to promote your videos.
- Use Simple Equipment
You do not need very heavy video creation and editing equipment to make money with YouTube. Most computers come with simple video editing software which you can use. You can also use natural light as your source of light but a halogen lamp is better and it won’t cost you more than $15.
The steps listed above can help you make money with YouTube if you adhere to them. You can create your YouTube account today and start to make money with YouTube.
Tube Mastery and Monetization YouTube Growth Module
Category: Make Money Online
YouTube Growth Module: Tube Mastery and Monetization teaches how to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from complete scratch.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.
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Homepage: Tube Mastery and Monetization YouTube Growth Module
- Overview of The Blueprint The 3 Stages To YouTube
- Choosing a Niche
- Setting Up Your Channel For Success
- Uploading Videos
- The Growth Module; The Monetization Module
- Scaling Your Channel
- Tube Mastery and Monetization YouTube Growth Module.
A Killer YouTube Strategy: YouTube Growth Module
Why not something else like MetaCafe or Viddler or other video-sharing websites? Why YouTube in particular? Let’s have a look at that now.

- The First Thing Is That YouTube Is Owned By Google
As I’ve said before. This has some amazing ramifications for YouTube and for its future. As you might know, YouTube started off as a company that was not owned by Google. In fact, it was only relatively recently that Google purchased them.
If you look at Google and what they’re on about, they’re in the money-making game. They’re interested in making money online. Having a company like Google behind you can only spell good things in terms of success in terms of making money.
That’s another thing. Google has deep pockets of money. They can fund a company like YouTube for years to come if they want to. They’ve decided to back YouTube because they’ve seen the potential that YouTube has. That’s a really clear sign that YouTube is a technology you should keep an eye on.
I think they’re the second most-visited website on the Internet right now. I think Google is #1. I’ve got to double-check those stats there, but YouTube is significant.
Google also wants you to be successful. If you’re successful, it’s going to make them more money as well and make them more successful. So just the fact that they’re behind YouTube means that they’re working hard to make YouTube as easy for you as possible to be successful.
If you look at the changes that YouTube has gone through since Google purchased them, you can see dramatic differences. You can see it in the AdSense program that’s been introduced in the YouTube videos. You can see in the different designs and layouts that they’ve been working towards. You can see how YouTube videos are ranking much better inside the Google search engines. Having Google on their side is just huge.
- YouTube Videos Rank In Google Search Results
So you’ve got that on your side. If you’re only submitting to YouTube, your chances of getting ranked in Google are so much higher compared to all the other video-sharing sites.
- It’s An Incredible Traffic Source
This is sort of an understatement, but if you look at YouTube, they just recently reached one billion views per day. I’m not even sure if we can visualize that number but imagine one billion coins, you’d probably be able to fill up a whole stadium full of coins. One billion views a day is huge, and this is just from one website.
In 2008 a study was done that showed that there were 71 million unique users in each month. That number has probably been superseded by now, but this is the latest information we have on that particular statistic. It’s a huge plus. If you’re not using this as a traffic generation source, you’re missing out.
I think with the example that I used, FreeMagicLive, we’ve only touched the surface. We’ve really just scratched the surface and we’re already sitting on 15,000 people on our email list.
- It Is A Search Engine On Its Own
Have you ever gone to YouTube and started searching for something, like in the search box right over here? More and more people now are using YouTube as their main search engine compared to Google. Is this perhaps a trend that’s going to continue in the future and instead of people just doing searches on Google, just go to YouTube to do searches? Perhaps YouTube will become the #1 site where people want to search for information.
Think about this. What are the implications? If YouTube is potentially going to become the #1 search engine in the world, what are the implications for your online business? And would you want to be in the right place at the right time with YouTube? I definitely think so.
- YouTube Is Not Just For Teenagers Anymore
This is a question that I’ve had from a lot of people. They say, “Sure, you were able to get success on YouTube, but your market is only for teenagers.” Now that may have been the case when YouTube was just starting out, but now things have changed. Demographics for YouTube are changing and they are changing at a massive rate. It’s not just for teenagers anymore, so if you’re marketing to other age groups, this is good news.
Teenagers are still the highest number, but as you’ll see in some of these statistics, YouTube is great for other age groups as well. Look at this: 85% of the United States population has watched YouTube videos. That’s huge. 85% of the whole United States has watched a YouTube video. This is incredible!
But now, look at this. 71% of males between 45-54 have watched a YouTube video. How cool is that? And this is the other thing, look at all these other age groups combined. These are people who normally have money. These are people who have jobs and can afford to pay for something online. If you add up all these people, that’s far more than just the teenagers.
And you’ll see a similar trend here for the females. Look at these percentages of people who’ve watched YouTube videos in their lifetime. It’s not just teenagers. This is something to keep in mind when you think about using YouTube as a potential traffic source for your website.
- YouTube Demographics Are Changing
It’s not just for teenagers anymore. As those teenagers grow up, they become older, they start getting jobs, and they start moving into a different demographic themselves.
What we’re seeing here is a typical new technology adoption cycle. You may have seen what’s called the S-curve. It looks something like this, and this is a typical curve for new technology that gets introduced into a new market. For YouTube, it’s no different. They went through a massive growth phase here. I think they slowly started in 2005 and then had this exponential growth. We’re sitting at 2010 right now, so this is where we are now.
That means that you still have a window of two years to get your act together and to start doing stuff on YouTube because, in this part of the market here, none of these people are on YouTube yet. If this S-curve is true, that means there’s going to be a lot of people still joining YouTube, and you want to be in the right position once they’re all online and watching videos. You want to have your videos already up there by 2012.
It’s critical that you start getting something online as soon as possible, on YouTube in particular. This is where things are at. This is backed up by research done by the YouTube 2009 Report. It’s an independent research company that did the research for that.
Let’s move on. Think about the implications of these statistics. Think about these demographics and what that means for you as a business online. How can you position yourself so that you can be in the best possible position when this mainstream, people in the US and the UK, hit YouTube and get on YouTube and start interacting on YouTube on a regular basis?
What Are The Implications For Your Business Now?
What do you need to do now to start getting ready for that? Think about that. What does it mean for you right now, and what does it mean for you in the future? There are already things you could do now that could help you get set up in the future for YouTube.
You have an early mover advantage. 2012 is a peak for the mainstream in the US and the UK. I haven’t even looked at statistics for places like China or India, and their populations are huge. That’s why I think we’re really just at the start of the curve still. If you have to combine the whole statistics for the whole world, there are going to be some very exciting things happening for YouTube. That’s my prediction.
- The “YouTube Beach Head Strategy”
What is all this leading to? I’m a really strong believer in focus. I picked up this strategy. I’m calling it the YouTube Beachhead Strategy. The reason why I’m doing this is that I really believe that you need to focus all your attention on one thing if you want to be successful. Focus on that, get it right, and then once you’ve got it under your belt, move on to the next thing.
So what is this? In simple terms, the Beachhead Strategy is to find a big ball and roll with it. That’s really all it means. It’s about finding a big player in the market, someone like YouTube in this case, and just go with the flow with them. Jump on board and use them as your leverage. It’s about focused leverage, and focus in this case is focusing on YouTube.
Where did I get this idea from? I got it from a guy called Geoffrey Moore, an amazing thinker. He wrote a book called Crossing The Chasm for the high-tech industry. What he talked about was for any new technology, you have this product adoption cycle where it starts with the early innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.
This is typical for any new technology entering the market. What Geoffrey Moore discovered was that with new technologies there’s normally what he calls a gap or chasm. This is where most new high-tech startup companies fall into this chasm. They get to this point here and they run out of customers. They fall into this chasm and you never hear of them again. They disappear.
He talked about creating a beachhead strategy and it’s like a beachhead that you can use for jumping over to the early majority. It gives you this jumping point to get into the early majority. Once you hit the early majority, that’s when you hit the tipping point. That’s when things go big time for you.
I’m using this idea and I’m saying that if you want to go hit the tipping point for your industry, for your niche, use YouTube as your beachhead strategy. Use YouTube to help you get the early majority for your niche because it’s one of the best vehicles to use right now to help you get major amounts of traffic to your site.
This is what it’s all driving towards. I hope you can appreciate what I’m saying here. With the power of YouTube and the fact that they’ve teamed up with Google, it’s just incredible. We live in incredible times.
You can go out and try and spread your attention and use a whole bunch of different video sharing sites, different strategies, on different platforms and things, and end up spreading yourself so thin that you don’t show any results, but this strategy has been tested and proved and I’m now just applying it to YouTube. This is why I call it the YouTube Beachhead Strategy. I hope you can understand why you need to get onto YouTube as soon as possible and focus your attention there.
- Beta Phase: Choosing a niche and planning your content
- Intermediate Phase: Uploading 33 videos
- Scaling Phase: Outsourcing the work
- Ways of Going About YouTube
- The Best High CPM Niches
- Doing Market Research
- ​BONUS: List of 100+ Profitable Niches
- The 33 Rule and how to use it
- The Best YouTube Tool Ever Made
- ​My Secret SEO Keyword Process
- ​Planning Your Content Strategy
- Anatomy of a Viral Video
- ​How to Systematize Your Videos
- ​Where to Find FREE Content
- ​How to Edit Videos for Free
- ​Making High Click-Through-Rate Thumbnails
- Understanding YouTube Analytics and The Algorithm
- ​How to Truly Go Viral on YouTube: Breaking the BIGGEST myths and misconceptions and laying down some truth.
- ​The Best Time of Day to Upload
- How to Make More Money Than Most YouTubers
- The Many Ways of Monetizing Your Channel
- My Personal Favorite Way of Making Money Utilizing YouTube
- Hiring One Person to Do All The Content Creation
- ​Making a Video Creation Assembly Line
- BONUS: Fill In The Blank Scripts for Finding and Hiring Employees
- Best YouTube Growth Module For Your YouTube Channel.

Understanding YouTube Analytics and Its Basics: YouTube Growth Module
YouTube Analytics comes in when you have started using YouTube to upload and share videos and when you started to wonder who is watching your videos and how do they can get more views and better engagement.
When you build a dashing YouTube channel, the requirement is, you must understand who your audience is and how do they engage with your videos. As luck would have it, YouTube Analytics is to the rescue to tell you a lot more about your audience, what do they like, and what kind of content you should create to become successful.
Here are some overviews of YouTube Analytics to help you make the most of this tool. How to get started using this tool, the insights it provides, and any possible information available in your result that you can use to improve your results.
Get started by signing in to your Google account and navigate to your YouTube channel page, then at the top of your channel page, click on views to go directly to your channel’s analytics.
- YouTube Analytics Overview
After following the said instructions above, you are now looking at your channels Analytics Overview. If you are on default settings, it gives you data for the past 28 days, but in another hand, you can change that to any period of time you wish to retrieve analytics from. The data that you are going to retrieve from this page is beneficial if you are looking to get a general report of how your channel is working. If you wanted to look for a slight capture of your channel’s performance, then Overview is the right place to go.
It is to be noted that YouTube Analytics is also based on Pacific Standard Time, updated once a day, and might have a delay of 72 hours. If you really need to look to make the most of YouTube Analytics, you might need to hop into each detailed report.
- Watch time Reports
This is where you will find the essential analytics on YouTube, it breaks down how your different videos and their quality are keeping your audience engaged. Watch Time Reports dispense insight into the overall performance of your channel and it can also be used to swim deeper into the performance of individual videos.
Views are the most basic measurement of your video’s success as it shows how many times your video has been watched. But they do not take into account users that click on your content and leave immediately because views are considered equal value nevertheless how long the user watched your video.
Watch time offers a more precise breakdown of the status of your content, YouTube sums up the time that people have spent watching your videos, it measures the estimated time that your audience has watched your video and showing how many minutes of your videos have collectively been watched on your channel.
Audience Retention embellishes how suitably your video is maintaining its audience. You will be able to see how much your viewers are watching from each video, which parts are causing them to leave your content. It can be broken down more further to see your absolute audience retention and your relative audience retention which shows how your video compares to other YouTube videos of similar length and will help you determine which length video best fits you.
Demographics provides you a comprehensive look at who exactly is watching your video to better market them. YouTube also provides insight into the demographic breakdown of your audience by gender, age, and also geographic location so that you can modify your messaging respectively.
Playback locations show any sites or pages your video is being viewed on. It’s one of the great things about YouTube when you create fun and entertaining videos, your videos could be shared in different ways, by embedding your videos to their own website or blog. The Playback locations report separates views from your YouTube page, apps, or any website that you embed your video on. It will also give you estimated minutes watched, and average view duration, but broken down by location.
Traffic sources provide data on how your audience arrives at your video. There are different types of traffic sources and this includes YouTube search, YouTube suggested videos which can be found on YouTube by clicking on a thumbnail, YouTube channel page, and YouTube playlist. You will be able to see how searchable your video is while diagnosing which referral platform is gaining you the most traffic.
Devices show if your audience is watching your video whether on their Computer, Mobile phone, Tablet, and Game console. So you could refer to them to create shorter or long videos that would be better viewed from each gadget.
- Engagement Reports
Views are only a part of building a flourishing YouTube channel. As you are kick-starting to modify your content to share on YouTube and build an audience, you may want to pursue which type of engagement your videos are generating.
Subscribers indicate how many subscribers you have gained and at the same time, how many subscribers you have lost. They are important because they are the users who are watching, engaging, and possibly influencing other people to watch your videos. Monitor your subscribers on a regular basis or as scheduled to help you diagnose if you’re or you’re not successful in doing this. Create videos that would make people come back and wanting for more.
Likes and Dislikes condense the number of people who liked and disliked your video. It is to be noted, that you should not focus on reaching your goals, you should work to inspire and entertain your viewers as they are essential to your success.
Comments provide you with the number of comments your video has gathered. Comments can be a great way for you to know what is your audience’s perception about the video, at the same time to engage with them by answering their question or responding to their comments. Sharing emphasizes the number of times your videos have been shared and where your videos have been shared to.
Annotations furnish information on your video annotations’ performance, their click-through, and close rate. It will give you valuable information on how effective are the call-to-action features of your videos.
The essential measure of success is those audiences who are attentive to your videos, your brand, and the message behind your videos. They show their support through their likes, shares, and comments on your videos.
YouTube Analytics will help you determine what type of videos you should focus on and modify. DIYs, How-to’s, Funny videos, and inspirational videos could possibly catch more audiences. Be guided to which videos your audiences are engaging and implement something that they will treasure.
YouTube SEO – This Is Exactly How You Make Your YouTube Video Rise to the Top!
YouTube receives 30,000 hours of video daily. That’s right. DAILY. With that mind-boggling amount of video, it’s become nearly impossible to gain traction and make your video popular. It now takes performing YouTube SEO tactics.
YouTube ranks YouTube videos based on popularity. Here’s what they look at to determine a video’s ranking in the search results.
Channel Views: The more channel views you have, the higher your YouTube channel will rank in its various niche.
Video Views: The more views you have the higher you’ll rank on YouTube’s search results for the key phrase you’re targeting. But views aren’t the only popularity measure.
Video Comments: The more comments you have, the higher you’ll rank. I recommend setting up multiple accounts and commenting on your videos. Even try to entice some drama. The more controversy you can create over your video, the more comments you’ll receive. People flock to conflict.
Video ‘Like’ Ratings: You want as many positive ratings as possible. Get your friends to give you positive ratings. Email your list of YouTube subscribers and ask them to give it a like rating. I’ve found ratings are just as important as video views. If you have 50,000 video views and two hundred negative ratings, your video will not rank in the top. If you have 50,000 video views and two hundred like ratings you’re going to be sitting at the top of YouTube’s search results.
Video Favorites: The more favorites your video receives, the higher you can rank. Plus, you’ll show up on other YouTube favorites lists which brings in more traffic.
Channel Subscribers: The more subscribers, the higher your YouTube channel will rank.
Basically, you want a balanced approach to all the above. Lots of YouTube video views, comments, likes, favorites, etc. If you have a good balance of those your video will rank higher on YouTube’s search results and, also, this is a bonus, Google’s. If you can get a YouTube video to rank at the top of Google, it’s major traffic. Major. And I’ve found the videos hold those positions for a long, long time. It’s a consistent traffic source.
Backlinks: The more external backlinks pointing to your video, the higher it will rank. The easiest place to start obtaining backlinks is from social networks: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Digg, and all the rest. Also, try to list it on message boards/forums and submit your video to free link directories. Also, set up free blogs and embed and link to your video from those. Be greedy and relentless in obtaining backlinks.
Be active on YouTube: Comment on videos, subscribe to other channels, send friend requests. The more active you are, the more attention you’ll attract to your own videos.
Matt Youtube Mastery And Monetization Course
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